Part 16: Jehovah's Witnesses, 5th century AD edition
Part XVI: Jehovah's Witnesses, 5th century AD edition
Let's ignore the implications of what we found and keep exploring. First up -- Zamedi.

Soundtrack: Desert (This is a favorite of mine, btw)
Whatever happened here flattened the town. I'm surprised the tower is still intact.

Not at all ominous.

Zamedi has a huge map, but you're confined to a path in front of the tower. It's mostly ruins anyway. Looks like a caravan's here?

Oh great, another zealot.

Enough of this. Let's get in that tower.


A wall of energy we can't pass. Y'know, I think we should leave.

The Arch is the next stop. It's far to the east, directly north of Ganezzar.

MORE of these guys.

Can I just explore without getting preached at?

Totally normal behavior.

Might as well talk to the Oracle.

At my local polling place, there's this ancient woman with a glass eye who counts the ballots and such. Her eyes look in different directions and I'm never sure which one to focus on. I imagine it's like that for Octavia.

We're hard up for info, okay?

Gonna have to try a little harder, dude.

Of course I need to pay. You get 5 imperials and nothing more.

FINE. 50 imperials.

This sounds vague. Suspiciously vague.

I paid 55 imperials for nothing, didn't I.

Son of a --

It's hard to make out, but the Arch is covered in strange writing.

Huh, I expected something to happen. We'll come back later. For now, it's back to Maadoran to finish some quests, starting with talking to Basileios.

He's in the tavern near the Arena.

We can take care of a few thugs, right?

These two aren't very difficult, but the one with the dagger is likely to stick you with poison, so be prepared.

Free meals? Now you're talking!

Money is money...

Hey, someone who pays up front. Nice!
Let's get more info from Basil.

Believe me, I know.

Famous last words.

Better check on Quintus.

Took a lot of damage during this fight, probably because my armor was in poor condition.

I manage to triumph.

Back to the tavern.

We'll talk to Kemnebi much later. Off to the healer.

She gives you a quest after you've been healed a few times. Add it to the list...

How can you say no to an offer like that?

Good to see Octavia knows proper grammar.

While we're farting around here, let's chat up some of the locals.

Well, why not?

There's no gameplay reason to talk to the farmer, but it adds a bit of flavor and it's nice to meet someone who isn't a dick.

The Trade District is certainly... colorful.

There's a shop we can enter here.

As soon as we step inside we're assaulted with a sales pitch. I have a bad feeling about this.

Strong arm someone into giving up a jewel? Done.

Back to the arena.

One on three this time. Play it smart, keep them separated, and they go down easy.

Nicander is the first real challenge. His tactics consist of getting in close, jabbing you with his trident, then backing off. While that doesn't sound hard, spear users have the annoying ability to interrupt your attack whenever you try to get close or flank them, meaning they'll whittle down your HP while you attempt to deal damage.

Ranged combat is the way to go, or lacking that, bombs.

I ran out of bombs and had to resort to liquid fire. Whatever gets the job done.

Bendidoros is tough. He hits hard and blocks often.

I got lucky and beat him on my first try.

Sarpedon is another spear user? Fuuuuuuck that.

While wandering through the Arena District, we come upon this angry mob. Being the rubberneckers we are, we're investigating.

More of Meru's preachers stirring up trouble. Will it never end?

Hell, we've handled worse.

We could play peacemaker, but where's the fun in that?


Well, they're unarmored peasants armed with shovels and sticks, but there are seven of them, so this might get messy...

Never mind, these losers can't get past my armor. This is the easiest fight in the game!

At least we get a reputation boost out of this.

Near the entrance to the Slums is a beggar claiming to be a veteran.

Eh, why not? Support veterans!

Another story of Meru doing a 180, personality-wise. What the heck happened to him?

Antidas bit off more than he could chew, and now he's lord of jack shit. Fortune is a fickle mistress and all that.

Next to the beggar is this out-of-place youth.

That... sounds like ingredients for a bomb.


The adventures of Octavia: loremaster, gladiator, courier.

Let's do the opposite of what the guide recommended and enter the Slums. I'm sure nothing bad will happen.

I get good vibes from this guy.

Uh oh.

I'm sure this isn't a red flag.

D'oh! Fooled by my naivete again!

Don't fuck with me, slum rats.
Next Time: Slumming it. For real.